Mount Vernon, Washington
Status: Retired

Sammy was born on October 9, 1993. She works at the Parker Way Veterinary Clinic; a former patient turned resident. She wants everything done her way and thinks she owns the place. She thinks she can sleep whenever and wherever she wants. She especially likes to sleep in the boss' chair after Sammy has had her bath and is still damp. Sammy likes to watch the cars, people, and birds that are outside. She loves to go outside. Sometimes she gets very insistent with the techs in the back. She knows that she is supposed to be on her leash, but every once in awhile she tries to leave on her own. She helps out more in the back than Snaggle does. Her favorite job is to sleep on the warm dryer and to let us know when the laundry is done. Then she'll ask if we could turn it back on so she can finish her cat nap. Sammy keeps an eye on all the patients that come in for treatment. She'll sometimes sit next to some of them and watch. Other times, she will peek into an exam room to visit with patients that are waiting to be seen. Note: pictures by Don Johnson of Mt. Vernon, Washington, and story by the staff of Parker Way Vet Clinic.

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