Tommy Thumb
St. Charles, Illinois

"Tommy is a 'Tulip' cat... this is a breed that a friend and I are developing. The "Tulip" cat has four important characteristics: (1) curled ears (yes, they're related to the American Curl breed) (2) poly dactyl feet, (3) 60% white with spots of any color, and (4) a good personality. Tommy is a neutered male, about 1 1/2 years old, and has been the store cat for my pet grooming shop "Happy Tails Pet Spa" which is in St. Charles, Illinois for the past year or so. The shop is in a small shopping center, several doors away from a popular restaurant. Consequently, Tommy, who lives at the store, has an entire fan club of people who see him through the front window as they stroll to dinner, or walk by afterwards. He has a sling-bed in the front-window and cat-climbing tree there too. People often stop in during the day just to see Tommy. They like to play with him through the window in the evenings, but of course, they can't pet him in person then, so they come in for a "Tommy fix" during the day. This year, we've put together a "Tommy the Store Cat Calendar - 2004" with Tommy dressed and posed in seasonal mode for each month. The photo is one of those we took during our sessions, and is similar to some that we will be using." Story and picture sent in by Peggy Wolfe of St Charles, Illinois.


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copyright ©1998-2003. All text and photographs are copyrighted by Trina and Greg Samson unless otherwise indicated. If you are interested in using something from my site, please write to ask permission first. This shopcat added 27Mar04