Elwood, Indiana

Rudy was brought to my attention by Zane Holman of Elwood, Indiana. He sent in the story and pictures seen here. Rudy works at the Destiny House, which is a home for assisted living for the elderly. He was born in late 1995, and has been working there since he was about 6 months old. He was supposed to be a silent partner when they first adopted him, but Rudy had other ideas. He has given himself many jobs to do like wake-up patrol, clean-up patrol and relaxation patrol. Wake-up Patrol consists of "scampering from room to room, under then over the top of beds and back again. Because of his blazing speed and our guests' failing eyesight, he has been mistaken for a rabbit more than once." (as Zane puts it). Clean- up Patrol means eating any tasty morsels off the kitchen floor, and Relaxation Patrol is having some lap-time with the residents in the TV room. So Rudy is a very busy boy.

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copyright ©1998-present. All text and photographs are copyrighted by Trina and Greg Samson unless otherwise indicated. If you are interested in using something from my site, please write to ask permission first. This shopcat added 27Apr98