Ms. Lila has worked at Word Publishing since 1999. She joined
the company when she was 6 1/2 years old. Now she works with her friend Miss
Madison. "We call them the Gossip Cats as they write a local gossip column
and have their picture published with the column every month in one of our
publications. They both get e-mails, and phone calls of local gossip to be
whispered in the kitties' ear. Our Ms. Lila is like a dog. Not only is she
bigger than most small dogs, weighing in at 19 pounds, but she comes when
called, gets in her own office chair on command, shakes paws, does high-fives,
and begs for turkey at every meal with her incisive meowing. Speaking of meowing,
Ms. Lila didn't know how to meow when we got her as she had come from an abusive
situation where we believe she had been beaten. It took us a long time of
meowing at her
and then giving her treats to teach her. Her size is also as a result of her
previous owners. People who knew them tell us that her previous owners didn't
buy cat food and would just feed her whatever was in the house. As a result
she would eat anything she could get her paws on.