Hannah Banana
Fredericksburg, Virginia

In December of 1998, Hannah was found living in the crawl space under the Irish Eyes shop in Fredericksburg, Virginia. People left food for her semi-regularly. Another shop owner in the area noticed her and would feed her a handful of kitten chow every day. Patience and persistence paid off and now she lives in his shop, Valor Art and Frame. Actually... she has made it HER shop now. At first she freaked and then hid for several days when she first came indoors, but she would never admit to that now. Even if the doors are wide open, she stays indoors. She has a feather toy on a string that she plays with for hours every day, she spends time with customers (although she is still a bit shy with children), and she has a "mail slot" following in the evening. She peeks through the windows of the French doors, and her visitors will put their fingers through the mail slot, and she will play with them. She has been at the shop since March of 1998, when she was about 8 months old. She has already taken over completely, and has gathered a small fan club of people who come to visit her regularly. She shares her store with Ernie. Story and pictures were sent in by Joe of Valor Art and Frame in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

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webmaster@shopcat.com. This shopcat added 5May99