"When Abby (aka 'The Ghost Cat') came to the Cat Connection, she was about a 1 ½ years old. She came to us as a feral cat with her litter of feral kittens. The kittens were adopted out but Abby stayed at the store. When they let Abby loose in the store, she was still a bit feral as well as territorial. For the first several months, she would guard the office door and beat up any cat that came near the owners. However, one day she came in the office and had been scratched across the face - Maggie had set her straight and the playing field was now even. Now Abby loves her life here at the Cat Connection. While customers don’t see her often (the ghost cat) – when she does make an appearance, customers fall in love with her almost immediately. She is just a sweet ball of fluff. She likes to spend most of her day sprawled across my desk while I try to type. She is quite the drooler as well. She is a treasure to this family and we can’t imagine the store without her. " Story and pictures sent in by Kristin of the Cat Connection.