"This is my friend Karzai. I know he looks a tad rough around the edges and maybe a bit worse for wear but he is a true and trusted friend. He may not be an official 'shop cat' but he is a dedicated worker and deserves recognition. Mr. Karzai is a guard kitty. He works outside my office (an American news agency) in Pakistan and although I only arrived here a few weeks ago the staff tell me he has been gainfully employed for at least ten years. Karzai is always outside, he lives in the small guardhouse just inside my front gate. He rarely leaves his post except for meals, which I give him out back by the kitchen. If someone he doesn't know tries to come inside the compound Karzai stands to attention (honestly!) and starts meowing until the other guards have cleared the guest for entry. He is a wonderful kitty, very soulful and once you get to know him, incredibly affectionate. But he is one tough customer and I pity the fool who tries to sneak by him. In just a few weeks we have become fast friends and I am working hard on fattening him up and rewarding him for his many years of exemplary service." Story and picture sent in by Benjamin, in Pakistan.