Bellingham, Washington
Simpson is the boss at Pet
Stop in Bellingham, Washington. She was born in 1984 and has been at
the shop since it opened in 1992. Simpson was able to convince the shop
owners that she, of all the cats in the shelter, would make the best shop
cat. She works hard 7 days a week, but loves to take time out to schmooze
with the customers. She's a good judge of character and knows when to sit
still, run away, or swipe at someone. She never goes outside, even when
the front door is wide open. Her nicknames include Simpie, Sassyface,
Baseball head, Simp, and Boss.
copyright ©1998-2003. All text and photographs are copyrighted by Trina
and Greg Samson unless otherwise indicated. If you are interested in using something
from my site, please write to ask permission
first. This shopcat added 3Oct98