Seattle, Washington
Coach is one of five kitties
at the Mercer Island Pet Grocery. He lives with Henley,
Henry, Pugsley, and Tessa.
He is Tessa's brother. They both came to the store as kittens, sometime
around 1992. They are two of the original shopcats who were there when
the store opened. His favorite thing to do is turn up his nose at the
food in his bowl and find something better to eat on the shelves. All
it takes is a well-placed claw, and he can eat all he likes. He is a
very lovey kitty and will purr up a storm for you. Also, if you just
hold your hand near his head, he will rub against it and pet himself!
copyright ©1998-2003. All text and photographs are copyrighted by Trina
and Greg Samson unless otherwise indicated. If you are interested in using something
from my site, please write to ask permission
first. This shopcat added 23Oct98