Poulsbo, Washington

Katya works at Green Cat Guest House and B&B in Poulsbo, Washington with her friends Basil and Spaulding. " Katya was a rescue from the shelter in Altadena CA in 2000 when she was a kitten. She and Basil followed us to Puget Sound in 2004 (or rather took us here). Katya is the mouser and tougher to pin down, except at night when we warn guests that an open door invites company.  She has warmed many toes. Katya likes to sit on top of the four story house and keep an eye out for coyotes and eagles, which we have out here in Kitsap County. All our guests have a good time with these three." Picture and story sent in by Ken and Kimberly at the Green Cat B&B.


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