Ms. Pepper
New York City, New York

Ms Pepper lives at Aphrodisia in Greenwich Village. She has her own little couch and teddy bear right in the window of the store. She spends a lot of time curled up there. She came to Aphrodisia in 1990 as a kitten that had to be bottle fed. Two schoolgirls found her outside and brought her in to the store. There were already two white shopcats there, and they raised Ms. Pepper. (The two white cats were in Cats at Work by Rhonda Gray). She is very sweet and loves to be petted, especially head rubbies. She also won't mind at all if you give her some catnip and treats. She now shares her store with Miss Masala (but not her treats!)

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copyright ©1998-2003. All text and photographs are copyrighted by Trina and Greg Samson unless otherwise indicated. If you are interested in using something from my site, please write to ask permission first. This shopcat added 3Jun98